Friday Nights are….

… perfect for spinning, we go live with another 6 x 6 Drills/HIIT session at 6:15 and this time it’s Drum & Bass, look out, it’s gonna be a minger!

Tons O’ Stuff

There is actually ‘TONS’ of spin coming atcha today, we’ve just released a new session from G called ‘3 x 11’ and re-released the second and third parts of Ian’s amazing Brickwork Sessions from not that long ago, as if that’s...

SpiNaThON News

Today, we’ve released a brand new G class, we’ve re-released a Nicky session, also an Ian session and another G session, so 4 sessions that you’ve not seen before for you to choose from, but even that isn’t as exciting as the Spinathon News....

Nicky, the Old and the New!

Not that we are saying OLD as in OLD!! But we’ve re-released Nicky’s Debut session here at Spinstream and we’ve released one of her latest sessions too, it’s called ‘Pic n Mix’ so, a solid 75 minutes of Nicky’s work for you...

Tuesday NEWS!!!

Hey guys, a double header live this morning starting at 06:25, two 30 minutes with G, also, we’ve released a new class called ‘The NEW’ Builder 3:2:1′ it’s brutal, but it’s meant to be and it’s a test for everyone, whatever...

Friday, lots of News!

So guys, it’s a pair of doubles, two LIVE classes today and two releases, one brand new called ‘Combo Session..’ and a re-release called ‘Pump it UP!’ Well, it is Friday, and we kick off at 06:30 today with an impromptu hour of spin with...