
Today’s session, called Flip Reverse to Statton Island is a solid climbing effort, starts at 55 rpm and with the help of the music ‘climbs’ to 68 rpm, stay on beat, but be sure to ‘resist’ the temptation to lose some of the gear as it...

Weekend Flips

Hey team, this evening, a punchy 20 minutes with Ian, called Flip Reverse Part 1, if you’re short of time this weekend, tonight or in the morning, then this is for you, immerse yourself in the beats, single, double, triple as he puts it, part 2 is tomorrow...

Blazing Saddles

So, for those of you that don’t like your spin session interuppted by having to get up, speed up too much, or anything other than beasting yourself, aka replica hill climbing, this is for you, and for anyone that’s just wanting to burn the calories of...

Summer ’22

A Freestyle session and we are all over it again! Taking you back to Summer ’22 and the latest tunes of the day.